This year back to school means back to in-person learning. That means back to school buildings, a commute to get there, and a chance for a new routine.

We’re sharing information from Safe Routes to School, another City of Portland program, working to support students and families to travel safely to school. Here are some tips to plan your trip to school:

  • Skip the driving and decrease congestion by walking or biking to school.

  • Drive to a nearby location to park and walk the rest of the way. Parking a couple of blocks from school allows you and your family to get a short walk in and reduces traffic around campus.

  • Ride TriMet to school.

The City and Metro created a campaign called “School Routes are Everywhere. Drive Like It,” reminding drivers that students are still biking, walking and playing in our neighborhoods as well as traveling to and from schools for in-person learning, school lunches and materials. This campaign is available online, and in five languages in addition to English: Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese. 

Attention drivers

Whether you have school-aged children or not, we are all responsible for ensuring student safety as road users. Here are some tips for drivers as you travel around schools this fall: 

  • Leave early and drive slowly. Watch for families and kids walking, biking, and rolling.

  • Stop for school buses when they are loading and unloading and don't go around them. It’s the law.

  • Follow the speed limit, pay attention to the flashing beacons and signage at schools, and look out for school crossings. Remember that in Oregon every corner is a crosswalk. 

Other resources

Portland Public Schools Back to School 2021 family guide.

Resourceful PDX back to school resources from previous kids in school posts
