• SCRAP PDX (map)
  • 1736 Southwest Alder Street
  • Portland, OR, 97205
  • United States

SCRAP PDX is Portland's creative reuse center and is now offering workshops for adults and families! The studio style workshops emphasize the importance of reuse on a creative platform. These workshops focus on new areas of useful crafts and adaptable techniques while participants are introduced to sustainable practices that coincide with creative lifestyles.

Register for upcoming workshops:

CRAFTERNOON! - Fabric Bowls

Tuesday, December 5, 4 - 6 p.m. ($10 per person) These little catch-alls are made with small pieces of leftover fabric that would have little use otherwise. Using leftover starch from a previous Crafternoon and clean to-go containers we will craft together a 100% reuse catch-all fabric bowl. They not only help corral tiny tidbits and make a fabulous key bowl, and make super cute gifts too!

CRAFTERNOON! - Toadstool Tuesday

Tuesday, December 12, 4 - 6 p.m. ($20 per person) Make your own Toadstool! Large enough for an adult, cool enough for a kid, this awesome Crafternoon will lead you through the process of designing your very own piece of furniture. Using a recent donation of giant spindles, we will decorate and design soft mushrooms tops with a woodland wonderland around the base all with reuse materials! Crafternoon provides all the materials, you provide the creativity. 
Participants will leave with a seat 15 inches tall and 22 inches across, a full-sized stool! Only participants who intend to make a Mushroom Stool need to register, parents are still required to attend.