• Cornelius Library (map)
  • 1355 North Barlow Street
  • Cornelius, OR, 97113
  • United States

Regional repair is taking place all over the Portland Metro area!

Repair Fairs are free community events that bring skilled volunteers and people with broken items together. Learn something new and get something fixed. What can be fixed? Small appliances, lamps, clothing, small furniture, textiles, electronics and some types of jewelry. No gas-powered items or items generally considered dangerous (chainsaw).

Las ferias de reparaciónes son eventos comunitarios gratuitos donde voluntarios arreglan sus articulos descompuestos. Aprenda algo y arregle algo! ¿Qué cosas puede traer? Electrodomésticos y muebles pequeños, ropa, electrónicos y algunos tipos de joyería. No traiga artículos considerados peligrosos (que funcionen con gas o motosierras).

Learn more about this event and other upcoming Repair Fairs in the region